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Transaction details


Ethica Debt Advisory and BPER for the growth of Gruppo Polli

.Ethica Debt Advisory (Ethica) assisted the Polli Group (Polli), one of the main players on the national and international market for vegetable preserves, as financial advisor in a double structured finance operation.

Ethica supported Polli to identify the best financing opportunities available on the market, defining an alternative financing action that took the form of a bond issue, as part of the Elite Basket Bond Export (EBB) project, promoted by Elite (Borsa Italiana) and Banca Finint (as arranger), fully guaranteed by SACE and underwritten by institutional investors, including CDP (as anchor investor).

In addition to the EBB, Ethica supported Polli in a second transaction that involved BPER for the disbursement of a mix of financial instruments.

This operation and the consequent acquisition of Valbona S.r.l. – as stated in recent days by Manuela Polli shareholder and Corporate Strategy&Development of Polli – aims to increase the production of the historic company by adding value in economic terms, with an immediate increase in turnover to 110 million euro and a forecast of 130 million in 2021 and to the structure with the acquisition of highly qualified resources and skills, to aim for Italian and international leadership in the market for vegetable preserves.

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